In Search of Happiness in the Midst of Grief

Posted By SK Reid  
21:00 PM

A Message of Hope for Someone Who Grieves

Happiness can be an elusive state of being.

I don't know about you, but my experience has been that after a time, happiness can pop up in the midst of grief. It doesn't mean our grief has gone. It doesn't mean we are 'all better' and have moved on into our 'new normal'. It just means there is a little bit of extra room in our hearts for the possibility.

I am reminded of conversations with a wonderful woman in my first book (After Life After You: True Stories of Love, Loss, Hope 2010) about her experience of loss and she said that one day, "a little flame at the end of the tunnel. A tickle in my throat, announcing laughter had returned, some hope for future happiness."

Her experience of emotional metamorphosis in a way paralleled my own in many respects. The darkness of the depth of despair, incrementally moving toward the lightness of hope and promise.

We are forever changed by loss, by grief, but this does not mean we are forever destined to never feel joy and hope in our hearts ever again. The two can live side by side.

This is no easy feat. It takes time, infinite patience and gentleness with our bruised hearts. This is what grief teaches us. As much as grief breaks our hearts, we cannot live and not encounter this teacher. It is better to not slam the door on this uninvited guest, but rather find ways to enter dialogue so that we are able to live more fully.

Though your moments of happiness or joy may be elusive, and your burdens feel heavy, there is comfort and hope to find once you feel strong enough to look for them.


Are You Struggling With Grief?

My Free guide is a simple to use resource to help you cope with grief. Find out more here:

My Grief Journey



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After Life After You 



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